Mugwort is an herb that helps both move and sooth blocked vata. Its actions especially help relieve pain associated with menstruation and childbirth, as well as freeing congested blood in old injuries, sore muscles, and painful joints.
Mugwort is a bitter to which, throughout history, many magical properties have been attributed. Mugwort was used as an “herb of protection” by St. John the Baptist, and helped preserve and flavor beer before the use of hops. Mugwort is also considered to have powerful effects on our emotions and inner world, by removing emotional congestion, and by inducing vivid dreams where cultures believe we communicate with the spiritual realms. In Chinese medicine, mugwort is used as the herb burned close to the skin to help open channels and relieve pain. At Surya, we perform an Ayurvedic version of this technique, and also use mugwort to support women with healthy menstruation, or for support durning childbirth.
Promotes easy and regular menstruation
Increases bile production for purification
Relieves joint pain
Aids digestion