
Mung Beans

cooling, detoxifying, benefits digestion Back To Botanicals
In Ayurveda, the humble mung bean is actually a superfood. It helps cool pitta, and is with fiber, protein, and nutrients that greatly benefit digestion, and support easy and natural detoxification of the liver.
Mung beans are such a power detoxifier that, since ancient time, they’ve even been used as an antidote for poisoning. They are a staple in the cleansing diet of yogis, and when cooked in delicious kitchari, or mung dal soup, they’re easy to digest and packed with vital nutrients. We serve our panchakarma clients mung dal soup and kitchari during their time at Surya, we even make sweet or savory pancakes from them, and they’re wonderful at any time for both cleansing and nourishment.

A superfood, high in vitamins, fiber, and protein

Gently detoxifying

Promotes health liver function

Rich in essential amino acids, and easily absorbable

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